How To Be A Youtube Partner / Youtubers

How To Be A Youtube Partner/how do I become a youtubers

Okay first youtubers I first what the heck is called youtubers?
Hmm can say it like appellation for the youtube artist/creative people (creator) a video content like a daily vieo, comedy, news, tutorial like create makeup tutor, or anythings thats can make people intrest
For example

if you ask, what the heck is youtubers/youtube partner?
Okay i just can say that makes a lot of money and opoturnity to be
1. popularity/ famous
2. make a money
3. you can share with many people
4. and makes new friend also

So basically if we make a video with the mass direct viwers
youtube will put up an advertisement from a brand in our video and we sprayed a money from it
the first point is we must make youtube account
we kudu nge upload quality video2/entertaining/adds insight anyway yg bikin interested people lah buat liat video that we make diwajibin nyari awal2 subcribe to many subscriber/Yes can be said of our loyal audience kalo udah much later directly like any offer made to join youtube partner okay so anyone know how many youtube partner earnings??
Hmm hell is about 5 $ to 15 $/1 k viwers if we make 100k viwers woow
ahaha OK spirit Yes guys who just want to join the ato already join now,

youtube has now become a part of our lives, and it's already so many
threads that discuss about youtube.
But this time I want to try making a thread that is a bit different that is about YOUTUBERS or CREATOR.

Perhaps many who do not know/ is not aware, this is the PROFESSION now Youtuber. A Youtuber not just make a video to exist or just on a whim, but a Youtuber make it for fun too, is actually the people who create original content in the form of video for shared to many people.

In each youtube training, i think always notified should always minded Youtube channel is a TV channel for myself.
We have to create our genre, hallmark, material, editing, and others that really makes symbolize for our Youtube Channel.

still believes that the profession of Youtubers?
Please check:
1. the Youtuber paid By who?
Generally, Youtuber paid by Google, because Youtube is one of the products of Google.
That's why we are often got a training from Google, because this type of work a youtuber recently and not common, especially in Indonesia, which is still hopelessly connected internet.
Well, the above statement will usually connected to this question: HOW MUCH WEVE PAID?

the answer: pay depends from the number of ads that are posted and clicked on the video we create.

like who've you know, certainly in a youtube video like there are ads that automatically is definitely in the same AD viewers SKIP youtube in Indonesia.
When in fact, mercenary Youtuber comes from there, if you skip we dont get 100%,
And this is not talking about cent from million-million's Yes, this percent of sen.

This is why Indonesia is still less than the Youtuber same Youtuber out the country, because of cultural differences. If abroad, people are very aware of the importance of valuing and supporting youtube creators by means of not skip ad, so the creator can get income for production costs, and in the end creator outside could develop because have the capital.

If in Indo ... well like me, buy green fabric in tanah abang and then poof green screen appeared :))

2. create a video it's easy , definite statements here are: awful bro, only create video you can get easy money!

So dont be upset, here I will challange you to make 1 video parody song for bullying me. with a duration of 5-15minutes.

1. find the song again ".

2. search content to make parody

3. Make the dead, this Oath lyrics the work is hard. if you not believe me, i challenge you guys now to create lyrics about me using handsome song Justin Bieber. Right now. fastt

5. story board.
What scene wrote that is on video, how do I make it happen to my video?looking for ideas to make it happen is difficult.

6. The shooting of Most youtuber is working on its own. What that means working alone? That is, we plug the camera, record, check the camera, record, ugly, reset the camera, checks, retake, take focus, check the battery camera, low, etc ... ... ... ... ... ...

Note : Sorry my english is very bad :(

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